Must… have… pictures…

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Or quizás, quizás, quizás, if you prefer. That’s what bloggers out there who think they’ve found the genuine article María Belén Chapur pictures should be thinking, because nobody knows for sure whether images of the mistress of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford are out there. Here are the full E-mails he sent her. This is as close as the paparazzi have been able to come so far. Once verified current photos are located, money is definitely going to change hands somewhere.

Why has it been so difficult to find photos of “Maria,” as she is apparently known in Argentine media? As the Wall Street Journal speculates, it is a difficult undertaking to obtain pictures of political mistresses and love children because politicians in mid-scandal don’t have the facility to negotiate publication deals the way stars like Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie do with the tabloids. The stars can negotiate their own deals (we aren’t talking online loan or payday cash loan money, here), thus maintaining some semblance of control. But scandalous politicians are generally trying to stay away from the limelight and retain their seat of power, so the attempts at secrecy are understandable. … click here to read the rest of the article titled "UPDATE: María Belén Chapur Pictures Found… ?"

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