White boards are fun to play with

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You can have as many white board markers as you want in a bunch of different varieties in color. Then you can color whatever sort of picture you want to on it. After coloring the picture you can take the white board and wipe it down so that there is nothing on it anymore. After wiping it down you can color again. It can be used in business meeting or just to simply entertain myself or my children. I love it either way. I have a couple around the house just for playing with. It keeps my busy and entertained while I work or while I’m not working.

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I love watching the news

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Today on the news there were a whole bunch of people that died in some kind of car crash. It is interesting how people hate seeing that kind of thing yet they love it at the same time. People thrive off of reading these horrible stories yet they get so down when they do it. It doesn’t really make all that much sense but that is life I guess. People are really weird and do things that nobody understands in their everyday lives. Maybe it is just a need to have something to talk about and gossip about. That might take part in people’s needs to watch the news that’s sad.

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Omer Bhatti Pics Have People Speculating About Michael Jackson

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Omer Bhatti says he’s not Michael Jackson’s son

Omer BhattiDespite the fact that Omer Bhatti has told media that he is not Michael Jackson’s love child, people want to see Omer Bhatti pics to decide for themselves whether the late pop star was his biological father.

The Omer Bhatti pics to the right show him as a child, walking with Michael Jackson, and in a recent photo. The newly hyped speculation has come up because Joe Jackson has been saying that Omer Bhatti is Michael Jackson’s love child.

Omer Bhatti pics will not solve mystery

michael-jacksons-secret-son-sat-with-jackson-family-at-memorial-concert-21So people think that looking at Omer Bhatti pics will solve the mystery of whether he is Michael Jackson’s love child? Well it’s common knowledge that Michael Jackson doesn’t even look like Michael Jackson. Finding out the truth about Omer Bhatti’s father is going to take a lot longer than getting payday loans with no faxing.

It’s impossible to know what Michael Jackson would have really looked like if he hadn’t gotten so many plastic surgeries. So people are looking to Omer Bhatti pics and comparing them to pictures of Blanket, Michael Jackson’s one child who allegedly has Michael’s DNA.

Test time

Another tactic that some media are taking is comparing old pictures, well, I mean young pictures, of Michael Jackson to Omer Bhatti pics. That gives a better idea about similarities in their appearances, but it still doesn’t tell us anything about this “Omer Bhatti is Michael Jackson’s love child” rumor. … click here to read the rest of the article titled "Omer Bhatti Pics Have People Speculating About Michael Jackson"

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Airlines know that their safety demonstration that they give before flights are boring, so some of them are spicing things up in the video demonstrations, which ahs led to talk of a woman called Deltalina. Deltalina is the attractive female star of a Delta Airlines safety video, who bears a resemblance to Angelina Jolie, but the video isn’t that racy – it’s boring. Other airlines have tried to get people’s attention – Air New Zealand released a safety video where the attendants wear body paint that looks like a uniform – and that’s IT. Some people would give a cash advance to see that, and more airlines are promising attention getting safety videos, and maybe a further installment from Deltalina.

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What We Wish We Knew When We Were Younger

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Kris called me at seven o’clock last night, just as I was sitting down to write the Friday “Ask the Readers” post. I was sorting through this week’s questions when the phone rang.

“Are you busy?” she asked. “Can you do me favor?”

“Maybe,” I said. “It depends on what it is.”

“Ryan’s car broke down,” Kris said. “He’s stranded here at the lab and can’t get home. Can you give him a ride across town?”

“Sure,” I said. But I did the mental math: The trip would take me a couple of hours. Because I hadn’t yet started on the morning’s post, I knew I’d be up late.

I drove to Kris’ office to pick up Ryan. Ryan’s a young man, just out of college. He did some temp work in the construction industry before getting a job as a scientist. He and his girlfriend are getting married in two weeks. They just rented a house together and are supposed to have moved out of their apartment by tomorrow. With Ryan’s car in the shop, that’s going to be difficult.

“What kind of work do you do?” Ryan asked as we drove across Portland to Beaverton.

“I’m a professional blogger,” I said. “I write a blog about money.”

“Stocks and bonds and stuff like that?” he asked.

“A little,” I said. “I do cover the details, but a lot of the time I write about the mental aspect of money. I’m interested in the psychology, in the behavioral side of personal finance. I don’t know how your money skills are, but mine weren’t very good when I was young, and that’s mostly because I had bad habits.”

“I’m lucky, I guess,” said Ryan. “My parents taught me about money, so I try to do the right thing, like avoid credit card debt. I try to.” From the way he said it, I thought that the whole car repair/wedding/renting a new house combination might be taxing his reserves.

“Thanks for the ride,” Ryan said as we pulled into the apartment complex.

“No problem,” I said. “I’m happy to do it. People have done the same for me in the past. It’s my turn to pay it forward.”

As I drive home — windows down, the Mini’s sunroof open, listening to 80s synthpop — I thought about what it was like when Kris and I were starting out. I remembered what it felt like to go through the motions of adult life, hoping that I was doing things the right way. “It’s too bad I didn’t have an instruction manual,” I thought.

But what would an instruction manual for personal finance contain? What would have helped me most when I was starting out? What would help me most now? Instructions for how to invest? A list of steps for buying a house? Tips for avoiding overdraft fees? Or would I have profited from the more psychological stuff — like how to deal with failure?

At stoplights, I jotted down a list of the five things I really wish I had known when I was younger:

  • Why it’s important to pay yourself first. My father tried to tell me this when I was nineteen, but I just wasn’t ready to listen. Now, after having watched Kris sock away up to 25% of every paycheck for the past decade, I understand how important it is to set aside savings — for vacations, for home-buying, for retirement — before doing anything else with your income.
  • How to harness the power of compounding. I wish somebody had shown me a chart demonstrating the difference between paying a credit card company 18.9% a month on $10,000 versus a bank paying me 3% interest on the same amount.
  • How to avoid the seductive trap of lifestyle inflation. As my income grew, so did my spending. In fact, my spending grew faster than my income. It never occurred to me that I ought to save this money. And it took me years to understand that most of the Stuff I was buying would end up gathering dust after very little use.
  • How to avoid the chains of debt. Debt is slavery. The less you spend, the more flexibility you have. Because I developed debt early and quickly, my choices were limited. I had to take any job I could because I was tied to the monthly payments. And then, once I’d recognized the error of my ways, it took years to break the chains that bound me.
  • How to save on things both big and small. My friend Ramit seems convinced that small frugality doesn’t matter. I disagree. I’ve never really had a problem saving on the big stuff. I research the hell out of most expenses over $500. It’s the small stuff that has killed me, and that’s largely because I thought it didn’t matter. The small stuff does matter. If I’d known that sooner, I could have avoided a lot of pain.

“What do you wish you’d known about money when you were younger?” I asked Kris when I got home.

“Well, I never really had a problem with spending or with debt,” she said. She thought for a moment. “I wish I had known to pay myself first, even when I couldn’t afford to save very much.” (This coming from a woman who saves a quarter of everything she earns!)

I get the sense that Ryan will do just fine. He has a good head on his shoulders. He’s being careful, even in the face of so many financial stressors. I just wonder what he’ll be thinking fifteen years from now, when he’s my age.

What do you wish you had known about money when you were younger?

Related Articles at Get Rich Slowly:

Read more about What We Wish We Knew When We Were Younger…

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Cash for clunkers program may be running on empty

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The White House says it’s reviewing options about keeping the “cash for clunkers” program going. Auto dealers already may have surpassed the 250,000 vehicle sales funded by the $1 billion program. The White House says any valid deals already made will be honored.

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Told through the thoughts

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The type of point of view used in “Magic on Night River” was third person limited. The story was being told through the thoughts and feelings of only one character—Yoshi. In the story it said, “Across the water the bargemen raised their poles. Yoshi saw the drops hanging like pearls from the poles, saw the blur of people’s faces behind the railing.” This quote tells us what Yoshi can see as he looks out across the river. In another spot it said, “The sounds of the night river. Remember them, Yoshi told himself. Remember them for always.” This quote tells us what Yoshi is thinking about as he listens to all the sounds of the river.

The story was told through what Yoshi saw, heard, felt, and thought. In this story the author was saying that kindness can really pay off. Yoshi and his grandfather were kind to their birds. As a result of this, their birds came back to them even though they had no one reeling them in. Special ties that can’t be broken can be formed from kindness.

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Omer Bhatti | Michael Jackson Paternity Test is not Complete

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Don’t believe everything you read

Omer Bhatti

Omer Bhatti

Many people now believe that Omer Bhatti is Michael Jackson’s secret love child. They believe this because Joe Jackson said so. Me, I am waiting for the DNA test results. Until those are in, I am not going to jump to any conclusions. Various media are reporting “Joe Jackson confirms Omer Bhatti is Michael Jackson’s son.”

Confirms? He can’t confirm that. He can’t verify Omer Bhatti’s father any more than I can guarantee a payday loan in the UK will be repaid on time. However, many people can’t see any reason why Joe Jackson would come out and say that if he didn’t know it was true. Here’s a rundown on what Joe is telling the media about Omer Bhatti:

From the L.A. Times:

In an interview posted on NewsOne.com, Joe Jackson talks about Omer Bhatti and told the reporter that he knew Michael had another child.

“Yes, I knew he had another son, yes I did,” Jackson said in the video.

He also discussed Bhatti’s dancing abilities and his resemblance to the Jackson clan. “He looks like a Jackson, acts like a Jackson, can dance like a Jackson,” he said.

A son of a different kind

So, Michael Jackson himself apparently has said that Omer Bhatti was his son. Now Joe Jackson is saying it. But we all know that Michael Jackson had a bit of a different way of looking at the world and talking about it than the rest of us. For instance, when he said in a documentary that he thought the best thing you could do was share your bed with a child, many people took that as an admittance that he was guilty of child molestation. … click here to read the rest of the article titled "Omer Bhatti | Michael Jackson Paternity Test is not Complete"

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I love to read

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As a child, my siblings and I would always go to Mrs. Johnson’s house, which was just around the corner from ours. She had a little library full of children’s books in one of the rooms in her basement. We would all go there at least once a week to check out a book or two. My favorite books to check out were those thin little books with golden spines. Although they were small and didn’t have a whole lot of pages, it seemed to me that there were too many words crammed onto one little page, and that might’ve been a little bit intimidating. I guess I liked them anyway though, or I probably wouldn’t have checked them out.

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Alice in Wonderland Trailer | Looks Like Were in for a Thrill

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Personal Money Store Videos on Youtube

Many web sites have had to yank the Alice in Wonderland trailer because of copyright issues, and several seasoned YouTube users have created fake Alice in Wonderland trailers. And some pranksters have done such brilliant and creative things as labeling a Rick Astley music video as Alice in Wonderland trailer. However, I think I have found the real thing.

Of course, even before I saw the trailer I was planning to spend the $9 to see it when the time comes. Tim Burton plus Johnny Depp plus one of my favorite children’s stories is sure to equal bizarre brilliance. Tim Burton’s version of Alice in Wonderland does not follow the storyline of the original.

Instead, IMDB reports: Alice, 17, attends a party at a Victorian estate only to find she is about to be proposed to in front of hundreds of snooty society types. Off she runs, following a white rabbit into a hole and ending up in Wonderland, a place she visited 10 years before yet doesn’t remember.

For more information on this article and others like it, please click on the following link:Personal Money Store: Alice In Wonderland Trailer

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