A son conceived 2 ½ weeks after a daughter

A pregnant woman is pregnant again… at the same time, and they aren't twins! (Photo: wikipedia.org)

A pregnant woman is pregnant again… at the same time, and they aren't twins! (Photo: wikipedia.org)

Todd and Julia Grovenburg of Arkansas are expecting new additions to their family. However, unlike the vast majority of expectant mothers with two kids on the way, Julia Grovenburg isn’t going to have twins, and the children aren’t going to be at least nine months apart. Her children, a girl to be named Jillian and a boy to be named Hudson, were conceived two-and-one-half weeks apart. They’re growing alongside one another and will have separate due dates.

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Julia Grovenburg is experiencing superfetation, which was discovered during a routine ultrasound. ABC News reports that this rare medical occurrence has doctors beside themselves.

“They saw one sack, one baby developing, and that baby had a certain gestational age; then they noticed a second heartbeat in a child that was much, much younger developmentally,” Dr. Karen Boyle commented. She also noted that the difference in size and development between the fetuses is uncommon. … click here to read the rest of the article titled “Pregnant Woman Pregnant Again | A Rare Superfetation Case

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