Obama highlights fresh signs of economic growth (AP)

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President Barack Obama said Saturday that reports the economy is growing again and that more than 1 million jobs were saved or created by his stimulus plan show “we are moving in the right direction.”

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White House fights back on Cash for Clunkers

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The Obama administration on Thursday lashed out at a prominent critic of its Cash for Clunkers program, arguing that the popular trade-in initiative helped give the auto industry and the economy a much needed boost in the past few months.

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Umbrellas were a genius invention.

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They are easy to take around with you and are so protective. Sometimes it doesn’t really help keep anything dry except for your head. That is ok though because sometimes the only thing people really care about keeping dry is their hair.

I know that I really appreciate the umbrella on my walk to and from work every day. It is easy to keep tucked away and can be very useful when it starts to rain. I love the way it sounds when it is raining out and you are safe under the umbrella. I just really like them.

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One day I would love to go to Peru.

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Image via commons.wikimedia.org

Image via commons.wikimedia.org

I bet there is some really cool stuff to do down there. I bet there are pretty interesting people down there to meet as well.

I would love just traveling like that. I wish that I was rich so that I could go down to places like that and just have fun.

I would really enjoy being down there. I think that one day I will have to go down there.

Maybe I can go down there in few years if I save money. I might be able to afford it if I were to start saving right now.

I think that I should probably put it in the budget so I will start saving for it.

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Rainbows are really fun

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Image via commons.wikimedia.org

Image via commons.wikimedia.org

I looked for the end of a rainbow once. I went with one of my friends to try and find it. It was pretty funny. I completely believed that there was an end to a rainbow.

It made me really mad when it kept getting further away. I thought it was in the next yard but by the time I had climbed over the fence it had moved to the next yard.

I thought it was just moving faster than I was. I decided to start moving faster. Obviously it didn’t work.

I was very disappointed to never reach the pot of gold that would have been so nice to find.

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I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a twin.

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They wouldn’t be just like you, and they may even be extremely different, but that’s not what I would be concerned about. There would be someone out there who looks exactly like me, or enough like me that they could probably pretend to be me and confuse a lot of people.

We could have some fun with that sometimes, but there’s only so many times you can switch places and pretend to be each other before it gets old. I don’t think I would like having a twin, but if I did I’m sure I wouldn’t mind it at all.

But that will probably be because that’s all I’ve known; I would not know what it would be like to not have a twin.

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SF Bay Bridge might be open for morning commute (AP)

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AP – State transportation officials said the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge could be ready for Friday’s morning commute as crews furiously worked overnight Thursday to finish emergency repairs.

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I have this friend who is absolutely confusing.

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I have a hard time figuring her out. I think she has problems getting close to people. I really think that’s it. She’s too afraid that they’ll bring her down. And she won’t tell you that she’s afraid that you’ll bring her down; she just keeps smiling whenever you’re around and tells you that you’re a good friend, but in reality she doesn’t like how she feels around you.

I think she’s afraid of making new friends. She’s comfortable with the friends she has and she is terribly afraid of change. Come to think of it, I have this other friend who is also afraid of change, but I know that she is able to handle it without too much of a fuss. She’s afraid of change, but she goes forward regardless. She knows that things have to change, and she deals with it. It still scares her to death, but I think she just needs to know that she’s not alone and that her good friends won’t leave her.

But this other friend of mine (the first one I was talking about) doesn’t seem to know what she wants. She tells me that she doesn’t know who she is. I think she’s trying to hard to define herself as a set of specific things. But we all know that in reality we are constantly changing and it’s hard to define ourselves like that. She’s trying way too hard and she’s just confusing herself. I wish I could get through to her.

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Keni Thomas

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Keni Thomas sang an emotional, National Anthem at the first game of the 40th World Series. It was a really amazing song. It wasn’t like he had a perfect voice or perfect pitch or sang our National Anthem hitting every note. But you loved him for the way he sang it.

It could have been many of my friends who sing Karaoke out there singing, but it wasn’t. It was a war hero. Keni Thomas was a member of the U.S. Army’s Rangers during the 1990s and is now a motivational speaker, talking about some of his activities as a Ranger.

Keni Thomas was part of the Task Force called Operation Restore Hope in Somalia whose purpose was to capture Mohamed Farrah Aidid, a Somali warlord. Keni Thomas was the inspiration behind the movie Black Hawk Down.

Black Hawk Down starred Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Jeremy Piven, Orlando Bloom and others. It is the story of Operation Restore Hope and tells the story of the capture of Aidid included the deaths of many soldiers. In order to learn to play the parts, the actors were sent for a week to Fort Benning, Georgia, to go through the rigorous training that Rangers actually go through.

On the last day of that training, the actors who played the Rangers who died in the movie all signed a letter thanking the actors for telling their story and gave it to the actors, who were all very touched. There is an inaccuracy in the film.

The actors wore helmets with the soldier’s names on them. Helmets don’t really have their names on it, but the producers felt it was important that we, as the viewers, knew the names of the soldiers who went to such risks. Black Hawk Down was filmed in Morrocco.

Keni Thomas was a consultant on the film. As Keni sang that National Anthem, you just had so much respect for what he went through and could feel his American Pride.

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I would love to go see the world.

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I think that I never got the chance to sufficiently see everything in the world that I would love to see. I wish that I could find some way to take off work and just fly around the world.

The problem is that if I take off work I won’t be able to afford going on an extensive vacation. I would really rather just go to a whole bunch of professional league baseball games. They will cost a lot less than it would have to go all the way around the world to all the places I’d love to see. I will be satisfied eventually I think.

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