Your electric bill

When it comes to saving money, consumers are learning to be creative. Not only are they cutting back on big ticket items, now they are scrutinizing small necessary bills. The home is no longer a place where bills are “just paid”, rather everything from electric to phone bills are getting the once over.

One of the biggest drains on any paycheck is the electric bill. Everyone needs it and companies know that. They hike prices to bring in more money. Not that it is totally their fault, however. Oil and commodity prices are increasing and the recession’s effect means that most likely costs will continue to rise. For this reason, consumers are hard-pressed to find new ways of saving when it comes to electricity.

Cut down on costs

According to the Energy Information Administration’s Short-Term Energy Outlook, electricity prices are expected to rise 4.7% this year, and another 3.3% the year after. Finding ways to cut back on usage is the only way consumers will be able to manage the added cost. Here are some ways to streamline electricity costs.

HVAC Inspection. Having an HVAC system inspected is the first way to save electric costs. The ventilation, heat and air conditioning system of a house provide many ways to drain energy. A professional inspection costs anywhere from $50 to $100, however the savings are worth it. For example, if a $75 inspection finds a leaking air duct, it can end up saving hundreds over the lifespan of a machine. For anyone wanting to replace units, going with Energy Star-rated appliances can also bring down costs considerably. … click here to read the rest of the article titled “Save Money by Reducing Your Energy Costs

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