How To Determine If You Have A Classic Or Antique Car

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For aficionados of classic auto designs of yesteryear, nothing beats a perfectly restored classic or antique car. Elegant line, dazzling chrome and even genteel carriage evoke pleasant memories of the past, transporting us into personal fantasy where “They don’t make them like they used to” will never ring false. But how are people ever to tell if their hobby cars are antique or classical? Thankfully, there are guidelines. Just remember, whether a car is classic or antique, it should generally not be used as a daily commuter, unless you have unlimited funds at your disposal and don’t need auto loans to purchase vehicles.

Aren’t antique and classic the same thing?

Some sources claim classic and antique are the same, but the truth is it ain’t necessarily so. According to Wikipedia, some car aficionados in the United States use “classic car” to refer to high-quality vehicles from the pre-World War II era. However, 20 years of life for a car is approximately double the expectancy intended for most modern cars according to U.S. auto insurance laws, so the “classic car” title sets in after a car is 20 years old. And classic or antique car insurance tends to be almost always more expensive than insurance for any standard vehicle because older models don’t have the same safety features that come standard in newer cars. In the United Kingdom, the term “antique car” isn’t used at all, even though they do use the phrase “vintage” to refer to vehicles more than 100 years old.

The Classic Car Club of America contact

The Classic Car Club of America (CCCA) has many people who live and breathe classic and antique cars. They have developed their own standards for what constitutes “classic” or “antique” when it comes to cars, and those standards are stringent. More expensive mass market cars made between 1946 and 1985 fit under their definition of “classic,” but certain larger sports and racing vehicles do not qualify. Original parts need to be included in these cars and it doesn’t necessarily have to be American-made. The Antique Automobile Club of America classifies cars that are older than 25 years antique, but “the legal definition for the purpose of antique vehicle registration varies widely,” according to Wikipedia.

Things are different in the UK

Car insurance companies in the UK also play a role in defining what “classic car” means, but the timeframe is just a bit different. Cars made 15 to 25 years ago are modern classic cars, but to confuse things a bit, UK insurance companies aren’t sticklers about this. Cars that don’t fall within the guidelines can still be considered collectible.

Classic car insurance final word

Funneling money into maintaining and restoring a classic or antique car makes insuring it essential. Discussing the matter with a licensed insurance agent is advisable if you want to fully protect your classic or antique car investment.

Find more information on this topic:

Wikipedia (classic car)

Wikipedia (antique car)

Classic Car Club of America

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A Memorial Day History Briefing

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A Brief Memorial Day History Lesson

Given that Memorial Day is almost here, some may wonder just what Memorial Day history consisted of. You may want to know how it came about, how it was made official, so on and so forth. In advance of when we all pack up and leave for Grandma’s house, off to the lake or river, or just get from it all, here’s the 411 on Memorial Day.

Article Resource: A Brief Memorial Day History Lesson By Personal Money Store

Memorial Day history begins with the Civil War

It wasn’t actually called Memorial Day at first. The exact first observance is a matter of debate, but what is known is that right after the conclusion of the Civil War, which certain states haven’t received the memo about yet, days of remembrance were observed by decorating the graves of the fallen. It was called Decoration Day at first, which is not the most clever of names. (No one can come up with an interesting name for a holiday in this country. Maybe some cash until payday loan should get raised for an exploratory study for some new names for our holidays with panache.)

Got the attention of veterans

Two Army Generals, John Murray and John Logan took note of an observance of Decoration Day on May 5, 1866 in Waterloo, New York. John Logan really headed a fraternal organization for Union veterans called the Grand Army of the Republic. (It became the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War later.) May 5, 1868, they declared they would observe Decoration Day on May 30, and urged others to follow suit. Southern states, still reeling from a massive case of sour grapes, usually opposed it.

Memorial Day becomes official

Memorial Day wasn’t an official holiday until 1967. To make things easier for every person, Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which fixed Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Columbus Day, and Washington’s Birthday, later to become Presidents Day, on specified Mondays. Since then, some veterans groups have petitioned regularly to move Memorial Day from its current position as the last Monday in May back to May 30. Monday, May 31, can be Memorial Day 2010.


Memorial Day

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Evan Longoria Allegedly Texts A Naughty Pic

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Tampa Bay Rays third baseman Evan Longoria is an All-Star who numerous longtime baseball fans consider the best overall at the position since Mike Schmidt and George Brett in the 1970s and 1980s. This can maybe be attributed to his highly marketable combination of ability and good looks, both of which have made him an in-demand product endorser. But that popularity might sink down just a bit if the Barstool Sports blog post “Hey Evan Longoria; Stop Sending Me Pictures of Your @$&%…Sincerely Jenna” is true.

Resource for this article: Evan Longoria allegedly leaks dirty picture online By Personal Money Store

Evan Longoria allegedly stalked Jenna on Facebook

Jenna, who’s only identified by her first name at Barstool, claims Evan Longoria tracked her down on Facebook in years past and began to pursue her (unlike anything this online cash advance portal would do to you). That conversation, as outlined by Jenna, ended with the Rays slugger allegedly sending a nude photo of himself from the waist down. Supposedly, Longoria’s note that accompanied the photo read “Like that, babe”? Jenna’s response to all of this was “If I wanted to see gross (expletive) d!@$#, I’d spend my entire (expletive) day on Chat Roulette”.

Evan Longoria was the Cape League MVP at the time

So Evan Longoria was already kind of a large deal before he made it to the majors. Yet all of that didn’t make a grand impression on Miss Jenna. Jenna writes in her Barstool Sports post the whole e-mail chain “isn’t as entertaining as I’d like it to be”.

Why now, Jenna?

An easy guess would be that you are a staffer for Boston-based Barstool Sports (possibly not even female) and you want to shake up the Rays so that the Boston Red Sox may have an easier time of catching them in the AL East. But she claims that an office conversation with co-workers wandered to the topic of sending nude photos, and Jenna revealed that she’d received just such a photo from a man she claimed to be Evan Longoria. The way you talk over it on Barstool, seems like clear that it wasn’t your thing. That vehement reaction is all the a lot more reason that famous types shouldn’t send the nasty via the cyber world. It’ll be interesting to see if this causes a spike in the sale of the MLB 2k10 video game, for which Evan Longoria is a cover model.

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Title: North Korea News About Childish Nuclear State Tanks Stock Market

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Dominating headlines about North Korea news are trying the patience of world leaders and frightening stock market investors. North Korea, obnoxious and aggressive in normal times, has been increasingly belligerent recently. The nuclear-armed dictatorship that can’t feed its own people attacked and sank a South Korean ship in March. North Korea was implicated after an investigation as the perpetrator of the sinking, prompting the South to run navy drills to demonstrate resolve. In return, the North severed a hotline between the two nations set up to prevent confrontations. The enigmatic nation is confounding analysts, whose latest guess about North Korea is that recent belligerence is part of a hand off of power from Kim Jong-il to his son Kim Jong-un.

North Korea nuclear test blackmail

The first North Korea nuclear test in 2006 started painting a picture of a more desperate, impoverished dictatorship that would rather blackmail than borrow money. The Washington Post reports that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il has conducted more nuclear tests, kidnapped American journalists and launched provocative missile tests during the Obama administration alone. A North Korean submarine sank the Cheosan, a South Korean warship, as it sailed in friendly waters last month, killing 46 sailors. This week, when South Korea halted aid and trade to Pyongyang after evidence from the Cheonan sinking implicated the North, the North said it would sever relations with its neighbor. North Korea also threatened the South with more provocations if Seoul requests further sanctions from the U.N. Security Council.

Motives: the Cheonan sinking

North Korea watchers who have observed the accelerated belligerence from Pyongyang see the Cheohan sinking as a turning point for the dictatorship. It could be part of an effort by 69-year-old dictator Kim Jong-il, who recently had a stroke, to establish his 27-year-old son as his successor in the family dynasty. The New York Times reports that the succession theory fits in with the established North Korean behavior patterns. To rational minds, the North’s accelerating confrontation is self-defeating. But it makes sense to Kim Jong-il. He needs to create a warlike atmosphere against a foreign enemy to rally public support. To create the impression his son will be a strong leader of North Korea’s armed forces, Kim Jong-il will give Kim Jong-un credit for the Cheonan ship sinking.

Summing up North Korea news

North Korea news about such an isolated country is conjecture most of the time. A succession of power as the reason for North Korea’s current tantrums is anyone’s guess. CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria said North Korea nuclear tests and other bad behavior could be considered simple blackmail – until the Cheosan sinking. Zakaria also said the situation where the U.S. and South Korea disagreed on how to deal with North Korea is changing. With the Cheonan ship sinking, things are definitely not business as usual anymore. Now the United States and South Korea are united in wanting to send North Korea’s leaders a very strong signal that they really have crossed the line, even if they can’t figure out what they’re thinking.

North Korea stock market impact

North Korea and the stock market were in the same headlines every day this week. Indexes plummeted when the Pyongyang regime put the country on a total war footing this week. In an article about the North Korea stock market connection by MarketWatch, Andrew Wilkinson, senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers, said, “The words of the North Korean leader commanding his troops to be battle-ready are yet another excuse for markets to recoil once again.”

More information on this topic:

Washington Post reports

New York Times reports

CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria

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Make your Chick-fil-A Spicy chicken reservations

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Does a free Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken sandwich sound like a good deal? Chick-Fil-A is offering a few free spicy chicken sandwiches, but only with a reservation. You have to get your name on the reservation and invitation list in order to get your free Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich. Getting an invitation means that you can get Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken sandwich a few days before it goes on the official menu.

Article Resource: Make your Chick-fil-A Spicy chicken reservations By Personal Money Store

What’s the Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich

Slated for rollout on June 7, the Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich reservation allows for limited preview tastings. Going to is the first step of getting your Chick-fil-A free spicy chicken sandwich. Print off your reservation, and take it in to the Chick-fil-A between May 31 and June 5.

Chick-fil-A won’t sell stock

The Chick-fil-A company has been around since the 1940s and has been known as Chick-fil-A since the 1960s. Since the inception of the company, it has been privately held. The company has said no to offers of payday cash advances from investors as knowledgeable as Warren Buffet in order to stay private. The company’s revenue in 2009 was over $ 3 billion, so the family is definitely doing well.

Chick-Fil-A reservations website not working perfectly

The reservation system for the free Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich looks to be having problems on Monday. Hundreds of thousands of people have tried to sign on to the free Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich, which has sent the website into a tailspin. Chick-fil-A is trying to avoid a KFC-like disaster by offering reservations instead of a free-for-all. If the website doesn’t function well soon, though, customers could get angry at Chick-Fil-A.

What the secret of Chick-Fil-A’s chicken is

The Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich is going to, most likely, use a spicy breading on the traditional Chick-fil-A sandwich. The Chick-fil-A thick, juicy sandwich is made by high-pressure frying the chicken. Most grocery store deli counters use this same high-pressure method now.

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Will the Interstate Highway system be killed by the electric car?

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As The United States shifts increasingly toward electric automobiles and efficiency standards that require that all automobiles to achieve 35 mpg or better, there may be a hidden peril lurking for the Interstate Highway System. As Keith Crain points out in a recent op-ed piece for Automotive News, the funding mechanism for maintaining the IHS – the Highway Trust Fund – depends heavily upon gasoline tax. While drivers consumer more gasoline, more and more tax dollars are being put to the Highway Trust Fund. Eventually, the new breed of efficient internal combustion and electronic autos will require no gas to operate. That is the reason why Crain is asking Congress to discover a new way to maintain the Highway Trust Fund.

Source for this article: Will the electric car kill the Interstate Highway System?

The short term stimulus for the Interstate Highway System

During President Dwight Eisenhower’s administration, the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956 (which established the Interstate Highway System) was considered a landmark public works law. The network of highways is nevertheless the largest system of its kind within the world, and the ways in which it has furthered commerce, travel and defense in The United States can’t be discounted. Unfortunately, lawmakers at the time weren’t able to predict how much money would be needed to maintain the IHS. After the Highway Trust Fund had initially expired, Congress has found solutions to keep it open. Yet these efforts have only kept things going in the short term. President Obama’s green initiatives may look good on paper, particularly where expansions of green public transportation are concerned, but transitioning the American public to using public transport rather than private automobiles for daily tasks may be a difficult goal.

The Highway Trust Fund debate is complicated

C-Span posted a three-plus hour debate on funding the highway system. As outlined by Senators Tom Coburn and John McCain, part of the problem is that Congress too often “raids the cookie jar,” taking money out of the Highway Trust Fund in order to finance unrelated pet projects. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has proposed a tax on car miles traveled (VMT) to help make up for gasoline tax shortages. According to the Washington Post, this idea is exremly unpopular because numerous fear the government will use mileage counters to monitor drivers.

Where is they money going to come from?

An answer acceptable to all has not been found to date. Crain advises that Congress seriously consider solutions rather than waiting until the last moment and deciding hastily. The number of hybrid autos on America’s roads grew by about 1.6 million as outlined by a 2009 study published by If the trend continues, the Interstate Highway System and Highway Trust Fund troubles will only increase.


American Trails

The Washington Post

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Career Started As Motivational Speaker By Bristol Palin

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Bristol Palin has joined the numerous that have gone in motivational speaking after being a previous celebrity or politician. A stable of inspirational speakers, Single Source Speakers, has added her to the roster. Generally, Christian inspiration is the topic of these speakers along with a focus on abstinence. Nevertheless, Bristol is asking for a heck of a no fax payday loans no credit check to simply say “you shouldn’t get pregnant as teenager.”

Source for this article: Bristol Palin begins career as motivational speaker By Personal Money Store

Bristol Palin bill will run up to 30-grand

Although she may not command as much attention (or money) as her mother, Bristol Palin is asking for anywhere from $ 15,000 to $ 30,000 to appear at special functions, as outlined by Time . You can effortlessly learn about the downside of pregnancy with a quick browse of Wikipedia or WebMD for free, but many individuals will likely be willing to shell out a lot of money to see a famous politician’s daughter. Her speaking engagements are being handled by Single Source Speakers, which features a whole bunch of Christian inspirational and motivational speakers. Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees also works with Single Source Speakers.

Following in footsteps

Sarah Palin hit the speech circuit also. She has quite the asking price, too, as she demanded a public university (that means with taxpayer dollars) shell out big bucks to meet her demands to get her to speak at University of California Stanislaus. She’s been on quite the tear lately, with FOX News commentaries, speaking engagements, a new book coming out and a rumored bid to run for President in 2012.

What has Bristol been doing with spare time?

Aside from her motivational speaker career, Bristol Palin has been busy. Aside from raising her young son Tripp, she has been working on a book of her own, and she has a guest role on an episode of “Secret Life of the American Teenager” on ABC Family. She has to pay the bills somehow as a teenage mother.



Can You Spare $30,000? Hire Bristol Palin!

Single Source Speakers

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Bangkok Curfew Imposed As Violence And Fires Rage In Thailand

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Bangkok Curfew Put In Pace By Officials

As protests and violence are still taking place, officials have declared a curfew for Bangkok and other areas. This may be a prelude to martial law being declared within the capital of Thailand, if the situation doesn’t begin to subside. The Red Shirt protesters are not backing down entirely, and anti-government protests are nevertheless going on. Foreign governments are beginning to advise people not to travel there, and come home if at all possible.

Source for this article: Bangkok curfew imposed as violence and fires rage in Thailand By Personal Money Store

Bangkok protester camp raided

The damage that has been done will take more than just a little instant money to undo and restore order and confidence in leadership among the citizens. A camp full of Red Shirt protesters has been raided by the Thai military, according to the Christian Science Monitor. After the raid, a curfew was imposed in Bangkok as well as in other areas of Thailand. To stay away from further bloodshed, leaders of the Red Shirts announced they were surrendering. Following this announcement, further violence broke out in Bangkok streets, and various buildings were set on fire in apparent arson attacks.

British Government advises Britons to leave Thailand

According to the BBC, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office has issued an advisory to all subjects of the Crown in Thailand. On May 14, the British Embassy was forced to close due to violence. Any British subjects in Thailand are advised to stay indoors, and not to travel except after curfew hours to ensure safety from rioters, and if they must travel to carry any and all proper ID and paperwork with them at all times. Thai officials have confirmed that travel after curfew can be safe as along as all necessary paperwork is in order and available.

Further unease

Emergency services had difficulties getting to fires that had been set after the raid on the Red Shirt camp. Red shirt protesters are calling for an entirely new election to be held, as they’re deeply dissatisfied with the current government. This could take awhile to resolve.

A lot more details on this topic

Christian Science Monitor


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Google TV Demo Wows A Huge Crowd At Google I/O 2010

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Google TV Demo Wows A Huge Crowd At Google I/O 2010

Google TV was shown at the Google I/O 2010 conference on Thursday. The demo done at the Google I/O showed the Android and Google chrome merging the web and television into a seamless experience. The Google TV allows users to use a search bar to find programs instead of scrolling through a channel directory. Also, any Android based phone could be used as a remote with spoken commands.

Article Resource: Google TV demo wows a huge crowd at Google I/O 2010

The Google TV demo

Built into Sony HDTVs and Blu-ray players will be Google’s TV Android capabilities. A set-top Google TV device that could be hooked into existing TVs can be sold by Logitech. Washington Post explains that Google TV Android replaces the cable or satellite providers program guide with a search engine that indexes the total channel inventory and relevant web content for each channel. People can be running out for exact same day loans to purchase Google TV devices when they hear that a search typed in with either a remote or spoken into an Android phone will replace the grid used now. Google TV search on Android also provides web options – if you will find no scheduled airings of a show, users can switch to Google Chrome for streaming episodes accessible on Amazon or Hulu. Users can browse the web when nevertheless watching a show in one corner. A recording can also be scheduled by Google TV on a separate DVR.

According to Google, “video should be consumed on the biggest, best and brightest screen in your house, and that’s the TV.”

Google and also the TV devices

Google TV partners contain Sony, which will launch Sony Internet TVs and Blu-ray players with Google TV within the fall, reports . Logitech will introduce a set-top Google TV device with a Harmony remote and an HD camera for video chat. A Google TV box may also be launched by Dish Network. In retail store, Best Buy will promote the Google TV platform. Google TV has a potential US customer base of 60 million HDTV households alone in a market of $70 billion. The article reports a total of 4 billion TV viewers worldwide — the biggest market within the world.

Google I/O calls for Google TV developers

At the Google TV demonstration at Google I/O 2010, Google called on developers to start prepping Google TV-ready apps. PC World reports that Sony and Logitech Google TV devices will be powered by an Intel Atom processor. Google TV actually has 3 main software components. Although it will eventually be upgraded over the air, the service will run Android 2.1. The browser is Chrome and Google TV will include Flash 10.1. The mobile version of Android Market will work on Google TV. Apps at the moment in the market should work on Google TV if they do not require phone-specific hardware.

More details on this topic

Washington Post reports

PC World reports,2817,2364007,00.asp

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Transformers 3 Could have Nothing To Do With Megan Fox

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Megan Fox Will Not Appear In Transformers 3

It came to light recently that there is no part in Transformers 3 for Megan Fox. There had previously been a war of words between her, director Michael Bay, the crew from the film in the press. This may be seen as a detriment to the next Transformers film, but on the bright side, they now have a lot more time to work on a script.

Source for this article: Megan Fox will not appear in Transformers 3 By Personal Money Store

Transformers 3 can be sans Megan Fox

There had long been rumors that Megan Fox wouldn’t be in Transformers 3. They aren’t rumors anymore. Maybe this time they’ll find an actress that can really act. She is slated to be in a few a lot more movies, but it is known she is not going to an acting school during her downtime. Whatever the reason was, it’s clear she won’t be getting instant money from the Transformers franchise anymore. As outlined by the New York Daily News, somebody from the Michael Bay camp supposedly confirmed it. Michael Bay himself has been silent about it, though.

Megan Fox maintains it was her idea

Megan Fox has said it was entirely her idea, as outlined by CNN. She maintains she was not fired, though the brouhaha between her and Michael Bay and also the film crew in the press made her sacking seem at least plausible. Members of the film crew blasted her as a spoiled brat without talent in an open letter penned after her derogatory statements about Michael Bay were released within the press. Regardless if Megan Fox has brachydactyly in her thumbs, her Razzie nominated performance was captured and made possible by the film crew, who have given her the finger.

What’s next?

Transformers 3 will probably be released by summer 2011. Summer is when the big movies come out. Megan Fox, along with Josh Brolin, will star in Jonah’s Hex, a film based on the comic book series of the exact same name. Definitely, she can be the female lead. I guess we’ll have to wait until then to see if her absence is something to bless or to blame.

Additional details at these websites

New York Daily News


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