Radiohead enthusiasts excited about The King of Limbs early release

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In 2007, Radiohead made waves in the music business by offering its new album for pay-as-you-wish digital download. Today, a new Radiohead release, “The King of Limbs” early release is creating similar buzz. Some links around the web, including on Mediafire, claimed that this was an album "leak," but it was really the official launch, a day first. Resource for this article – Radiohead release: The King of Limbs early sales making waves by MoneyBlogNewz.

Finally seeing ‘The King of Limbs’ from Radiohead

Radiohead has been working on its "King of Limbs" album for the past few years. An electronic download was promised for Saturday, Feb. 19 after it was announced last Monday. The Radiohead launch of “The King of Limbs” was released early though, on Friday morning. They decided to launch it since the band was ready along with the online store. Initially, message boards were filled with excited messages reporting that Radiohead’s "King of Limbs" was on Mediafire as a leak, however it turns out that was the official release.

Cash put into ‘The King of Limbs’

Though the 2007 album "Rainbows" from Radiohead was offered as pay-what-you-want record, "The King of Limbs" has a set price. You may pay between $9 and $14 for a digital download of it. For $48 to $53, you can get the digital download plus receive two clear vinyl records by mail. The release of “Rainbows” was pretty exciting. At the average price of $6, only 40 percent of fans bought it. A lot of enthusiasts are upset that “The King of Limbs” is more expensive than what “Rainbows” cost. Nevertheless, it’s now at the exact same level as iTunes with the $1 a song price.

Music development

Radiohead is just one of the major bands that have decided to go without a major studio label. Nine Inch Nails has also moved away from labels and studios to independent, electronic distribution. The bands with really strong followings do really well with music on their own. However, digital downloads is something even small bands are doing really well with. An industry worth several million dollars a year has built up to help independent artists distribute their music on iTunes and other digital music stores. It is good to have a career without studio support. The majority is doing it.

Articles cited

The King of Limbs

Venture Beat

Plastic heart beats for three days and nights, begins trend

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The Smithsonian Institution has an incredible number of items in its vaults that many never see. The Smithsonian Institution releases photos of several of their warehoused items. On Valentine’s Day, the Smithsonian released a photo of the first plastic heart. That first synthetic heart beat for three full days. This kind of medical technology no doubt took a huge personal loan to produce.

Start of plastic heart

The first plastic heart ever to be implanted in a human being was installed in 1969. The plastic heart was developed by Dr. Domingo Liotta and implanted by Dr. Denton A. Cooley. Dr. Cooley commandeered the plastic heart from Dr. Liotta’s lab and implanted it without approval. The patient’s plastic heart beat for 3 days and nights before a human transplant heart was found. A trend started with the plastic heart. This was after the patient perished, even with the human heart. Pictures of the plastic heart were unveiled on St. Valentine’s Day by the Smithsonian Institution which is where it now resides.

Transplants of plastic hearts being evolved

In 1969, the first “plastic” heart got implanted. The Food and Drug Administration did not approve it until 2004 though. The first viable plastic heart transplant that beat for a long time was evolved in 1982. It was called the Jarvick-7. In 2004, the plastic heart was approved to be a temporary replacement. Another transplant is done once a human heart is found. In 2006, the FDA approved a permanent plastic heart transplant, the AbioCor Implantable Replacement Heart. A 13-pound device in a backpack is needed in order to keep a plastic heart going. Annually, it is maintained on $18,000.

Can a self-contained heart happen?

There is still a dream for a plastic heart. The dream started in 1969 though. Plastic hearts are accessible to keep someone alive. Still, heavy equipment and maintenance is needed for it. Between the 3-day plastic heart and the 13 pound backpack heart, there were 30 years. That means that it may be decades before a self-contained heart is created even though researchers are working on it.

Articles cited

News Desk

New York Times

American Heart Association

Disney carousel death one of three major injuries in 4th quarter

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As a part of their quarterly injury report, Disney has reported a carousel death. During the last three months of the year, Disney parks reported three significant injuries. There are very few accidents to the average park visitor. All three park guests were over seventy one years of age. This kind of coverage may cause Disney the need to obtain a personal loan to spin this press. Source of article – Disney carousel death one of three major injuries in 4th quarter by MoneyBlogNewz.

Death from heart condition occurred on Disney carousel

The Prince Charming carousel was something a 76-year old woman rode in December 2010. She reportedly exited the ride, collapsed and died. The grandmother apparently had a pre-existing heart condition which was exacerbated by the carousel. There are signs on the Prince Charming Regal Carousel that state nobody ought to ride it with a heart condition. This is considering that it is a very tame ride still.

Fourth quarter injuries

There were three major accidents in the last quarter of 2010 that happened at Disney World Theme Park. The 76-year old death was one of them. After writing the Prince Charming Carousel, a 71 year old woman broke her hip and shoulder while another 76 year old woman hurt her leg as she fell off of a moving platform. There aren’t any age needs in the park for rides when it comes to being too old. Elderly individuals can still ride all of the rides.

Reports of the Disney carousel death for safety purposes

Florida does not do any inspections of the major theme parks around Orlando. The rides are not regulated either. Instead, the theme parks each submit quarterly reports to the state outlining the injuries that take place at their parks. In the same time period the Disney carousel death occurred, the other major theme parks reported no injuries to guests. Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, where the Prince Charming Regal Carousel is, averages about 5 million visitors per three-month period. Walt Disney World has hardly any injuries them. There is a .000059 percent injury rate with these accidents reported.


theme Park Insider

Washington Post

After 2 decades, original World wide web is low on IP addresses

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The number of IP addresses made available by the current mathematics of the Web will soon be inadequate. Thursday a non-profit called the International Assigned Numbers Authority allocated the remaining 5 packages of the 4.3 billion IP addresses it manages for distribution. When the current supply of IP addresses runs dry, a bigger, better Internet protocol is poised to take over. Pretty soon IP addresses might become so rare the prices might increase, causing people to have to take out payday advances just for one.

The old internet is on its last legs

There will be the last IP addresses dispersed throughout the world. This is because the Regional Web Registries, or RIR, got the last ones on Thursday. The 4.3 billion locations that the Internet Protocol version 4, IPv4, started in 1981, is being depleted. But the internet won’t run out of IP addresses for a while. RIRs will lease them to ISPs and wireless carriers and web hosting companies. Some IP addresses are permanently assigned, others are pulled from a stash when routers or smartphones go online. It is generally believed that six to nine months will elapse before there are no more IPv4 addresses left.

How the new internet plays in this

This was something seen by the IANA and other groups. In 1999, a new system called Internet Protocol version 6, or IPv6, was started. The 32-bit number and decimal notation were used for IPv4 addresses. IPv6 addresses use 128-bit numbers and letters as well as hexadecimal (base-16) notation: 3FFE:F200:0234:AB00:0123:4567:8901:ABCD. What is the point of the extra numbers? There are 340 undecillon, or 340 trillion packages for servers, routers, PC’s, smartphones, vehicles, appliances or anything else on networks that can hold a trillion servers.

change from IPv4 to IPv6 to be seen

The average consumer and business won’t have any trouble switching from the IPv4 system to IPv6. Anybody in the web infrastructure will not enjoy the change as much though. There isn’t any compatibility between IPv4 and IPv6. Communication between IPv4 and IPv6 is impossible. It cannot occur right now. The 1981 internet is bound to fill up eventually. When this happens, the IPv4 and IPv6 can coexist together. Software and hardware developers have been creating transition technology and the latest operating systems include default support for IPv6. There’s no need to panic. Remember Y2K?





FL judge – medical care law violates constitution

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The Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional, in accordance with a judge in FL. A lawsuit joined by attorney generals from twenty-six states has won the support of a second U.S. district court judge: Roger Vinson. The lawsuit zeros in on the so-called individual mandate, a section of the law specifying that all Americans over the age of 18 are required to obtain some form of medical insurance. This could require many American’s to take out pay day loans simply to cover this further costs in their life. Post resource – Florida judge rules entire health care law unconstitutional by MoneyBlogNewz.

How specific mandate brought the Commerce clause up

It was declared by United States District court Judge Vinson, who’s a Republican that Reagan appointed, the Affordable Care Act be thrown out within the ruling the health care law is unconstitutional. The specific mandate is something Vinson believes needs to be taken out of there. He thinks that under the Commerce Clause within the United States Constitution, Congress overstepped boundaries. Another ruling was made comparable to this. The judge in Virginia cited the Commerce Clause as well. Due to this, the health care law needs to be voided. This is what Vinson suggests. He said the individual mandate and the rest of the law are "inextricably bound together in purpose and must stand or fall as a single unit."

The Republican appeal strategy

Health care expenses for the uninsured add up to about $43 billion a year. Because the government is stuck with the bill, the Obama administration contends the specific mandate is legitimate regulation. The specific mandate is intended to make financing health care reform possible, opponents of the law are focusing on that provision. There were 13 attorneys general including 12 republicans and 1 democrat the Commerce Clause suit was done by. There have been 13 more Republican attorneys general that have joined up since then.

The constitution changes the way the medical care debates go

The Center for American Progress, which is a liberal Washington think tank, explains the health care law is constitutional. Over 125 legal scholars signed a statement released on Jan 18 that states the law is constitutional as the individual mandate is a tax provision. It’s a fine according to opponents. Since Americans have to purchase medical health insurance or pay a penalty, it’s a tax, according to the CAP. The Supreme Court has upheld the broad power of Congress to tax in the interests of the general welfare of the nation for 200 years.

Articles cited


Miami Herald

ABC News