
As a part of their quarterly injury report, Disney has reported a carousel death. During the last three months of the year, Disney parks reported three significant injuries. There are very few accidents to the average park visitor. All three park guests were over seventy one years of age. This kind of coverage may cause Disney the need to obtain a personal loan to spin this press. Source of article – Disney carousel death one of three major injuries in 4th quarter by MoneyBlogNewz.

Death from heart condition occurred on Disney carousel

The Prince Charming carousel was something a 76-year old woman rode in December 2010. She reportedly exited the ride, collapsed and died. The grandmother apparently had a pre-existing heart condition which was exacerbated by the carousel. There are signs on the Prince Charming Regal Carousel that state nobody ought to ride it with a heart condition. This is considering that it is a very tame ride still.

Fourth quarter injuries

There were three major accidents in the last quarter of 2010 that happened at Disney World Theme Park. The 76-year old death was one of them. After writing the Prince Charming Carousel, a 71 year old woman broke her hip and shoulder while another 76 year old woman hurt her leg as she fell off of a moving platform. There aren’t any age needs in the park for rides when it comes to being too old. Elderly individuals can still ride all of the rides.

Reports of the Disney carousel death for safety purposes

Florida does not do any inspections of the major theme parks around Orlando. The rides are not regulated either. Instead, the theme parks each submit quarterly reports to the state outlining the injuries that take place at their parks. In the same time period the Disney carousel death occurred, the other major theme parks reported no injuries to guests. Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, where the Prince Charming Regal Carousel is, averages about 5 million visitors per three-month period. Walt Disney World has hardly any injuries them. There is a .000059 percent injury rate with these accidents reported.


theme Park Insider


Washington Post
