After 2 decades, original World wide web is low on IP addresses

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The number of IP addresses made available by the current mathematics of the Web will soon be inadequate. Thursday a non-profit called the International Assigned Numbers Authority allocated the remaining 5 packages of the 4.3 billion IP addresses it manages for distribution. When the current supply of IP addresses runs dry, a bigger, better Internet protocol is poised to take over. Pretty soon IP addresses might become so rare the prices might increase, causing people to have to take out payday advances just for one.

The old internet is on its last legs

There will be the last IP addresses dispersed throughout the world. This is because the Regional Web Registries, or RIR, got the last ones on Thursday. The 4.3 billion locations that the Internet Protocol version 4, IPv4, started in 1981, is being depleted. But the internet won’t run out of IP addresses for a while. RIRs will lease them to ISPs and wireless carriers and web hosting companies. Some IP addresses are permanently assigned, others are pulled from a stash when routers or smartphones go online. It is generally believed that six to nine months will elapse before there are no more IPv4 addresses left.

How the new internet plays in this

This was something seen by the IANA and other groups. In 1999, a new system called Internet Protocol version 6, or IPv6, was started. The 32-bit number and decimal notation were used for IPv4 addresses. IPv6 addresses use 128-bit numbers and letters as well as hexadecimal (base-16) notation: 3FFE:F200:0234:AB00:0123:4567:8901:ABCD. What is the point of the extra numbers? There are 340 undecillon, or 340 trillion packages for servers, routers, PC’s, smartphones, vehicles, appliances or anything else on networks that can hold a trillion servers.

change from IPv4 to IPv6 to be seen

The average consumer and business won’t have any trouble switching from the IPv4 system to IPv6. Anybody in the web infrastructure will not enjoy the change as much though. There isn’t any compatibility between IPv4 and IPv6. Communication between IPv4 and IPv6 is impossible. It cannot occur right now. The 1981 internet is bound to fill up eventually. When this happens, the IPv4 and IPv6 can coexist together. Software and hardware developers have been creating transition technology and the latest operating systems include default support for IPv6. There’s no need to panic. Remember Y2K?





Secret Society of Women generates a place to express

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An network developed "by women, for women," the Secret Society of Women is intended to be a place to express. Ling, reporter and co-host on "The View" decided to start the Secret Society of Women. The site has already been growing by huge numbers. It has only been around for a few months, but looks like it could have staying power. Don’t be worried, this is not yet another thing that you’d need to take out a personal loans simply to enroll in.

How the Secret Society of Women started

The Secret Society of Women is a site co-founded by Lisa Ling. Ling had been facing a tough time after experiencing a miscarriage. She decided that women needed "a confidential, anonymous community to share experiences and soak up advice and words of wisdom from other women." ”The View” had been where Ling announced the website on December 7 although it had gone live in early Nov.

A community intended for sharing

Sharing secrets and building a community are the two things the Secret Society of Women is trying to encourage. You will find other topics such as “Daily Wish,” “Wisdom” and “Favorite Things” that you are able to go to and post rather than just sharing secrets. All the sharing on the site could be done anonymously if tried. An e-mail address and username are required for registering though.

Secret Society of Women not the only place for secrets to be shared

Secret Society of Women wasn’t the first secret-sharing online place. It is just probably the most recent. There is a large community of people following a blog called PostSecret. Numerous just post postcards that have secret on them. The web gives great anonymity. That means that the majority are willing to share secrets from personal lives on it. There is just a general community involved with the Secret Society of Women. It will most likely be very popular though if what is happening now with its following continues.

Details from

Secret Society of Women

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