The Mexico tunnel isn’t really something people drive their automobiles via. Running between Tijuana and San Diego, the Mexico tunnel was a complex undercover drug transport system. About thirty tons of cannabis was grabbed last week when federal agents found the 21,600-inch long Mexican tunnel. Resource for this article – Mexico tunnel discovery a drop within the drug smuggling pail by Personal Money Store.

Tunnel in Mexico seemed like a drug cartel dug it

The Mexico tunnel linked warehouses in San Diego and Tijuana where drug smugglers stored their stash. A Mexican drug cartel is probably responsible for digging the Mexico tunnel considering how much it would have cost to do the whole thing. Tuesday was when the Drug Enforcement Agency began its investigation. It only happened because, near the Mexican border, a semi-trick that looked suspicious was leaving a warehouse in an industrial area. The truck had been stopped at a Border Patrol checkpoint and 10 tons of marijuana were within the trailer. About 10 to 15 tons of weed were found within the warehouse that the DEA agents went and checked out.

$20 million in pot found

The Mexico tunnel was discovered when DEA agents looking inside a closet found a small opening in the floor. A 20 foot underground passageway with a rail running system that was six football fields long which led to another Mexico warehouse and was lighted and ventilated. They found more marijuana there too. About 4 tons more were taken while Mexican authorities were told about it. About $20 million in marijuana was taken in by the DEA.

Drug traffic won’t stop

Drug cartels are going increasingly more underground since there has been a crackdown on drug smuggling leading to the Mexico tunnel. Last month Mexican authorities seized 150 tons of marijuana in Tijuana, the largest drug bust in Mexican history. The amount of illegal drugs coming from Mexico into the U.S. probably won’t stop with these seizures, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The Monitor’s Sarah Miller wrote her opinion on it. She said that the Mexican government has just a PR victory. Miller ended up with an angry letter from the Mexican U.S. ambassador as a result of this.


Los Angeles Times,0,595478.story

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Christian Science Monitor